Work With Me

Book 1-1 Soul Work 4 Month Immersion

Taking Your Healing, Empowerment & Transformation To The Next Level

If you sense a shift is on the horizon for you internally or externally; or perhaps you're already knee deep in the middle of it at the brink of inner work burnout. I've curated this 4 month 1 to 1 immersion specifically for you, to help you navigate the emotional highs and lows inevitable with change and transformation as your soul evolves you into more of who you truly are. Together we intricately work with your psyche, body and soul to get clear on your highest soul path, bringing you into deeper alignment. 

This looks like de-conditioning to shed all that you no longer are so you can allow your Essence to emerge in its' authenticity, into your world.

It looks like turning down the noise of the outside world & sharpening your capacity to hear your intuitive whispers as the compass you can trust throughout your journey.

It looks like cultivating a deeper connection, trust and love for your body through working with the nervous system to help with regulation and embodiment of your raw power. 

It looks like allowing your Divine Femininity to pour through you into your life, as a means of making love with life so life no longer feels against you but in full support of helping you claim whats' yours- always. 

It looks like embracing your sacred feminine sensuality and sexuality to support with healing and emotional alchemy, rewritng your relationship with pleasure and your worthiness for a delicious life. 

It looks like honouring the shadows of your past as a pathway for discovering the gold living within these emotional wounds to support you in fulfilling your souls purpose.

Using my psychological training and experience of holding emotionally safe and supportive spaces, together we create a field of impact and powerful transformation as we journey together. My intuitive and visionary essence offers precision and clarity around the aligned steps the journey invites you to take and preparation with the embodiment to support you through where your soul is taking you. This space we co-create together is deeply healing, initiating the releasing of energetic and emotional debris which no longer serves you and awakening the power of your Essence to take up this space.

If you're feeling the call to transform into BEING who you actually came here to BE. To liberate yourself into deep authenticity and allow your Divine Feminine Energy to emerge through you, into your world, freely.  If you're ready to transform your life through your Essence and aligned actions for sustainable impact. Then complete the contact form below to book a free discovery call to explore this alignment together.

Book an Intuitive Reading

A 90 minute Intuitive Reading to help you gain some clarity, connection and confidence in your capacity to relax into your deepest alignment with life.

The tools I work with to support this Intuitive Reading are cards, gene keys , sprinkled with some psychoanalysis focus on dream journeying & archetypal work. 

After the reading, I also provide you with an Integration Plan to support you with grounding the illumination & insights from the reading into your physical reality for lived, embodied, experience. 

Which means not only will you be clearer on the shifts taking place in your world currently but how to prepare and support yourself through this through practices and steps which are most aligned for your unique journey. 

You can enquire more about this through the contact form below or emailing me directly


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