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Why "Fake It Until You Make It", When You Can Just Choose You?

Forget Faking it Until You Make it, Just Choose You.

Making Decisions With You at the Centre of Your Own World.

My Mantra at the moment is “I Choose Me”.

Moment to moment, again and again I ask myself “Am I choosing me?”

In this decision I am making,

In this action I am taking,

In the social media I am consuming,

In this time I am investing,

In this project I’m breathing life into,

In this conversation I am nurturing,

In this relationship I am relating in,

Am I Choosing Me?

Faking it Until You Make it is not Sustainable.

I don’t believe in faking it until I make it by attempting (and failing) to lie to my very clever subconscious. Asking myself this question on a regular basis allows me to brick by brick build a sanctuary of an inner home and an external life which is centred around my authentic needs and genuinely governed by the intention of Self Love. 

This is important because although Self Love has become a social trending word thrown around, most of us do not know what Self Love is since we have never been taught how to practise and cultivate a life centred around Self Love. Our modern society and culture teaches the absolute opposite as industries gain power and money from our insecurities and chronic self doubt. With this in mind, I honestly don’t believe we can fake a sense of self worth or force ourselves to believe things about the self if at a core level we don’t believe it to be true.

I do whole heartedly believe it is possible to start to love Self and further deepen this through working directly with the subconscious and unlearning the conditioning which encourages self loathing and discourages self acceptance. I feel a powerful initiatory of Self Love can begin with consciously considering the actions we take and the intentions behind them. When we begin to make choices where our genuine highest good is at the focal point of this pathway, we begin the process of stepping into our power and practising true self love.

In contrary to popular belief, in my opinion some of what appears to be unloving acts towards ourselves on the surface which often evoke shame and guilt such as addictive behaviours; I believe these are misguided attempts of Self Love. Since beneath these destructive patterns lies the caring and intention to ease any pain the Self is experiencing. This is us ultimately offering ourselves a balm in the only way we know. Since Self Care and Self Love seems to be a low priority in the mainstream educational curriculum, we are all still learning how to take this instinct of self preservation and transform it into loving, heart-centred and aligned actions for our highest good.

Taking Back Your Power.

I Choose Me is a powerful place to begin because it’s a reminder to the subconscious that our true power is in the choices we make. Also, it does not demand that we lie to ourselves about who we are and what we are worth.It just requires a simple understanding that some of the choices we have made in the past has somewhat led to the present we are experiencing. And if the life we have co-created is filled with substantial amounts of pain and dis-ease, then we get to alter this through making decisions based on choosing ourselves and what brings us genuine joy. 

It opens up essential and pivotal internal conversations around what does bring joy, what exactly joy even looks and feels like to us. It frees up the space to create new pathways within our mind based on our own individual desires and experiences as opposed to the played out pathways built on the foundations of choosing what culture and society tell us to. One set of pathways is centred around love, the other fuelled by the survival system determined to keep us alive through aligning with the status quo.

As we make choices from this place, slowly our lives start to shift and reinforce this feedback loop that we genuinely do matter. Life begins to choose us too. The moment to moment checking in with whether we are choosing Self right now slowly expands to govern our relationships, how we utilise our time and energy and ultimately how we relate to ourselves. As we begin to embody our power through conscious contemplation and actions of choosing self, the below happens:

Recognising the unhealthy relationships we have in our lives and choosing to relate differently with others and letting go where this is required.

Honesty about what drains our energy and fuels our passions, choosing to make space for more of the latter.

Exploring our inner world, our pain points and destructive patterns we recreate, choosing to do the inner work to heal and grow through this.

All of the above is Choosing you. It’s making you a priority and sneakily, without actually knowing it, sending the message to the Universe and your subconscious that you matter too. Ofcourse the universe already knows this but it has no choice to deliver to our doorstep what we subconsciously believe about ourselves as opposed to our true worthiness. This is the foundational work for true Self Love. Since our lives are simply a sum of the decisions we’ve made, imagine your life if even some, or most, of the decisions you made were centred from the pivotal point of “I Choose Me”.

What a beautiful time to start now! And when you fall off the wagon (as we all do at some point when we’re defying some of the brain’s pathways and habits), just start again and choose you. Brick to brick, moment to moment. Before you know it, you’ll have an inner sanctuary temple with your name imprinted all over it.