I'm Toni-Anne. A Mother, Author, Psychologist, Artist, Mystic & Mentor. Deeply passionate about the embodiment of Soul Aligned living, I am devoted to authentic, soulful expression through creative endeavours and weave this into journeying with other Women through my own transparency & vulnerability as inspiration.
I use psycho-spirituality & mysticism to support Women with bringing their Soul essence back into their creations, relationships, work, minds & bodies.
I have almost 15 years of supportive, therapeutic client work and 6 years of teaching experiences of Psychology in academia. Emotional & psychological safety is an integral foundation for the mentorship journeys I offer, for true integration to take place.
My mentorships hold the intention of impact and initiation, where through a co-creative portal of potent, profound & playful transformation the beautiful Souls who say a full bodied, whole hearted 'Yes' give themselves permission in being who they came here to be.
Together we cultivate a strong sense of self compassion through Shadow & Archetypal work combined with Mysticism, resulting in powerful internal & spiritual shifts inevitably mirrored in their physical realities.