Self-Trust and Re-aligning with your Rhythm.
Reclaiming your life through learning to trust and harness your unique rhythm.
We all know that trust is the foundation of a healthy relationship. Maybe you’ve heard the relationship experts banging on about it for our romantic lives?
Perhaps you did a trust exercise on a works’ team building day, like the one where you close your eyes and fall backwards in the hope that colleague who grates your last nerve will catch you?
We get the picture. For collective cohesion and relational harmony- trust matters.
But nobody tells you how much self-trust matters.
How our confidence and capacity to lead our own lives directly correlates with how deep our self-trust goes.
We might duck away from making the big decisions for fear of fucking up.
We might avoid taking leadership roles because we don’t trust in our capacity to handle the responsibility.
We might make ourselves small because we don’t trust our ability to hold the enormity of success and big living.
We might avoid changes, big or small, because we sneakily don’t trust our intuitive wisdom to navigate the times of uncertainty.
Self-trust is a woman’s weapon for sovereign, soul-aligned living.
So how did we become so disconnected from self-trust? When did we learn to mistrust ourselves?
….That moment we were taught to raise our hand in class to ask permission to be able to use the toilet!
I’m deadly serious.
There’s multiple moments like these, where underlying this dynamic is an encouragement to trust outside of ourselves- about ourselves. To trust in someone else’s opinion over our innate bodies intelligence.
Harmless moments like this combined over time lead to us completely outsourcing our trust. Our trust in life is no longer based on our trust in our capacity to handle life but on the basis of how others we subconsciously authorise, advise us on our lives.
How we raise our kids.
How we show up in the workplace.
How we create our art.
How we dress.
How we move our bodies.
What we eat.
How we have sex.
How we spend our money.
Think about it, your phone is bombarded with stimulation telling you how to live your life on a constant basis. Your phone literally becomes your life coach through a combination of emails, social media and marketing ads.
Then when you dare to glance up from your phone, you become enmeshed in the unsaid psychic data floating about related to what decisions you should or shouldn’t be making. All with the underlying message that it simply isn’t safe to trust yourself.
To trust yourself is a risk.
Yet you are the bridge between the seen and the unseen.
You are literally a portal between the spiritual realms and the material plane. There is a deep wisdom living within your body which knows things beyond what the physical eyes can see.
This is why we feel so deeply because we’re not just feeling an emotion from now, this moment. We’re feeling the room we’re in and the rooms we aren’t in.
We’re feeling those we’re deeply connected to both here on Earth and those who have passed.
We’re feeling emotions from the past, present and the future.
We are multi-sensory and multi-dimensional beings who are intricately connected with the cosmic rhythm of the universe. When we trust in this truth on an embodied level, we begin to prioritise our inner rhythms over modern metrics and societies timing.
Let’s take the kid raising her hand for the toilet example. Our body’s intelligence intuitively knows what has become waste instead of nourishment and exactly when it needs to leave our lives. Outsiders will try to schedule our timing around convenience, as in this example, there are time slots to use the toilet, eat and play.
I get it, if there weren’t scheduled times for this, there would be carnage.
And yet, even with all this order, adulthood is still carnage — just of a different kind.
We have an epidemic of incredible women meant for immense joy, liberation, love, abundance and leadership but are unable to welcome this or believe this for themselves because they do not trust themselves.
When they do conjure up this admirable confidence to go after their lives, it waivers because they also struggle to trust in the unique rhythm to their lives.
Each of our lives has its own unique rhythm which is but a singular chord in the melody of the cosmos. Yet we become obsessed with comparing ourselves to others, judging our progress based on their pace when their rhythm is entirely different to ours.
It is part of Divine order that we move in alignment with the Divine pulse moving through our unique soul paths. When we base our decisions and pace on another’s, life starts to feel disjointed and out of rhythm because our bodies understand we’re dancing to the wrong beat.
The new age spiritual community is obsessed with the Law of Attraction and completely ignores its partner in action, Law of Rhythm. Where the Law of Attraction has a tendency to have us in our heads, obsessing about controlling our thoughts; the Law of Rhythm brings us back to our bodies and the innate trust in life which lives here.
Have you tried dancing from your mind? It’s awkward AF. When you try to contort your body into looking a certain way for appearance purposes, your body completely loses its connection with the music. Your body begins to look awkward, uncomfortable and completely out of rhythm.
On the other hand, have you tried listening to music, dancing alone with your eyes closed with nobody there to watch you- from your body and not your mind? It’s liberating! And even if your body isn’t dancing to the rhythm of the song’s musical rhythm, it’s dancing to the rhythm of the song’s soul. It’s found a chord that moves your body without even physically touching your body.
This is the Law of Rhythm in action. It’s a deep surrender to the music of life.
A deep appreciation for every chord and every note, with an understanding that without their presence, the song just wouldn’t be the same.
Music and nature can help us re-align ourselves with this universal law. It can help us with honouring every high and every low. It can support us with appreciating every death and every rebirth. We become deeply attuned to the cyclical and rhythmic nature of life. We begin to trust in the innate timing of our life and the bodies inherent rhythmic connection to this timing and to our soul’s song.
It can support us with taking our power back, calling back our energy from the places we scattered it in subconsciously trusting others with the direction of our lives.
Instead, listening to the wisdom of our interior world which tells us exactly when it’s time to release who we once were and let the next woman who wants to emerge through us with our whole hearted permission.
A woman walking the path in honour of the Divine Feminine understands that she has multiple women living inside of her. That she is a multidimensional being with many faces. And that to live a full life is to live in deep alignment with her internal rhythms connected to the music of the cosmos.
She trusts in herself knowing she is the expert of her own unique rhythms, of when an aspect of her will need to die for another expression for her to be born. She does not out-source this trust but accesses this from deep within her inner re-sources, trusting the parts of her Divinely connected to Source.
Divinity gave this life to you for a reason and She trusts you with it. Do you trust yourself as She does?
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