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It's All A Perfect Mess

We seek perfection and lose the whole point of existence in this process.

We've confused spirituality with a constant state of bliss, instead of the ultimate truth that we came to this planet to have the full human experience.

We’ve confused wealth with hoarding opportunities, knowledge, resources and an undeniable absence of circulation and generosity.

We’ve confused planet earth as belonging to us for our sole consumption, instead of the living, breathing entity she is, giving to us from her generosity.

We’ve confused wellbeing as constant pleasurable emotions instead of the ability to feel and process the full spectrum of the feelings existing within our emotional worlds.

We’ve confused the law of man as being a moral compass instead of abiding by the universal laws, we’ve forgotten The Law of Oneness.

We’ve confused self love with dopamine rushes and quick fixes for feeling good, instead of the ability to internally sit with every part of ourselves (especially our darkness) with unconditional love.

We’ve confused setting healthy boundaries with the creation of barriers to justify more separation and judgment of why they are ‘wrong’ and I am ‘right’.

We’ve confused educating children with telling them what to think instead of imitating how to create space for thinking independently and having the courage to live from this place.

We’ve confused the importance of leadership through arguing about the shitty job our current leaders do instead of emotionally, physically, and financially investing in our future leaders- the children who walk this Earth now.

We’re in a confused space collectively and yet we are exactly where we are supposed to be.  When we release the intellectual arguments, justifications and gathering of evidence around how we are fucking it all up individually and globally. We can see with our hearts, that we are perfectly placed on the timeline of humanities’ evolution. That everything is unfolding according to the grand design and cosmic plan. We are invited to remember that our souls chose to come and experience this wild mess precisely as and how we are, right now (see more in my article, Do You Trust Your Soul Contract). We become alive with the knowing that failure is simultaneously both an inevitability and impossibility.

Everything is unfolding perfectly.

Ultimately, failure is an intellectual construct hardwired into us through an education system designed to make us compete to conform to dancing to a collective drum, which is misaligned with the authentic beat of our hearts. The messes we make from these perceived failures is what catapults us into invitations for Divine intervention. When we release this need for control, even if it’s temporarily, through dropping down onto our knees and surrendering to powers higher than ourselves for Divine intervention. Fucking up instructs our hearts to open up for the receiving of true intelligence, unconditional love and support from our cosmic team. From this vantage point, failure is a welcomed inevitability and yet remains to be impossible. How can we be failing if the detour to our plans brings us here?

It’s a shit show out there and in here, yet everything is unfolding perfectly. Our human minds are unable to fathom just how precisely perfect everything is. Our existence is so much more beyond this human life we are having right now in this time and space. The depth and expansiveness of what and who we truly are is in-comprehendible by our minds, we simply don’t have the language to think the thoughts which represents what exists beyond who we are and what we are doing in this moment. Like the foetus we once were, the baby, the toddler, child, teenager, young adult and so forth. We were unable then to fully grasp what it is to become who we are right now in this moment. Equally, right now it’s impossible for us to fully hold in our being the bigness of what we are and the grand design our every thought, feeling and actions are weaved into.

Nothing is accidental. What is taking place, the light and the dark and everything in between, is exactly as it is supposed to be for the catapulting of humanity into the Great Awakening. On a micro level, the mistakes you perceive yourself as making, the goals you feel you should have achieved but haven’t yet, is all perfectly placed. It’s a cliche but rainbows would not exist without the rain. It’s our minds which make the rain ‘bad’ and the weather as failing if the sun fails to shine brightly in our lives. Yet the wise Mother Gaia welcomes the rains’ unleashing as nourishment for her soul, as a gift from the Gods. The light isn’t perfection and the darkness isn’t failing. However, combined, it is exactly as the Creator intended, a beautiful and ugly perfect mess.