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4 Un-Sexy Truths About Manifestation.

1.Death is an inevitable part of Manifesting.

Not literal death, take a breath!

Although in some cases this is part of manifestation and what I mean by manifestation is bringing thoughts & desires into physical, tangible form. Ever heard the saying that with a death, a baby will be born? Well in a symbolic sense its’ true in that for new experiences, relationships, people, resources or money to come into your life, you have to actually have the space for them to enter your orbit.

If your life, home, mind, body, energetic field is cluttered and filled to the brim, what you’re calling in will not be able to wiggle its way inside your world. It will remain floating around your field in the ethereal as that thought, feeling and desire, instead of being anchored into your physical reality.

‘Out with the old and in with the new’ is very true, yet many of us have attachments to previous relationships, work, money stories and identities that we are subconsciously unwilling to let go of. When we refuse to let go, we say ‘No’ to creating the spaciousness for receiving that which we’re calling in.

Sometimes the bigger the thing we’re calling in, the bigger the space we need to make internally AND externally.

Which may mean the attachments might hold higher emotional charge. However, our Will is powerful and if what we’re calling in is part of the co-creation and an inevitability of your highest path in this lifetime, the universe will work to make space irrespective of your attachments.

This is the job you’ve been procrastinating leaving, only to suddenly discover you’ve been made redundant. The house its’ time to say goodbye to that coincidentally has the most random events happen forcing you out, like the ceiling falling down (and the stairs collapsing, rent being increased- all simultaneously happened to me, needless to say it was time for me to leave)!

I get it, it’s hard to let go!

I have Cancerian SunSign, my crabby claws are set on default to cling to things, people, situations well past their sell by date! And yet, endings and death are an inevitable part of birth and new beginnings. This is the natural flow of life and it seems, of manifestation.

Be prepared to close some chapters and try not to resist the process.

2. Manifestation is not just about getting what you think you want.

Ok, the ultimate truth is, your mind does not always know what’s best for you. It’s the truth!

Your mind is mostly comprised of beliefs which were thoughts you had on repeat, mostly planted there sometimes intentionally and sometimes unconsciously, by your family members, school teachers, peers, the culture you belonged to and societal authority figures.

So how many of your beliefs are actually your own?

And by your own I mean exist as a direct reflection of your pure essence. Probably not many. Yet we intentionally manifest- call into physical existence that which we think we desire, from this place. This place has minimal clarity around your true Soul path in this lifetime because it is often so clouded by the thought forms, beliefs and projected desires of whats’ trending right now. (Read more on your Soul Contract in this article ‘Do You Trust Your Soul Contract’).

Can you manifest the experience of being a Millionaire, I believe so! I believe anything is truly possible and that you absolutely have the power to be able to do this as a sovereign being. But is this what is best for you? If this is not part of the pre-agreed Soul Contract you agreed to and will distract you from being who you actually came to be and doing what you actually came to do, for your protection, the ultimate Creator may just step in and prevent this from manifesting into reality.

This is a co-creative process in that we are working in direct union with the ultimate Creator on a plan we both agreed to before we flew into this wild Earth School, promising many valuable Karmic lessons we get to complete along the way. This is far more important than you winning the lottery or becoming a self made millionaire, unless these experiences are woven into the Karmic tapestry of your learning in this lifetime and serving The Greater Whole.

When you understand this and its’ true implications, your manifestations become around calling in your highest path, being in your highest expression and becoming deeply aligned with your Souls’ Truth.

From this place, everything has no choice but to fall into place around you in organic alignment because its’ a direct reflection of your TRUE essence, not of whats’ trending now.

3.Law of Attraction is Not the Only Law involved in Manifestation.

There are Karmic consequences to trying to manifest into your world that which does not belong to you by Divine right, like your hot Ex!

“Hot Ex”, unknown. Photo by Charles Gaudreault on Unsplash

It doesn’t matter how hot their body, their sex, their bank account is, please do not try and transpire this desire into physical matter. This is the Law of Cause and Effect, there will be consequences around this whether in this lifetime or others. It is not OK to force your Will onto others, in physical or psychic form!

This is the same for jobs, houses or anything else that specifically belongs to someone else and was Divinely meant for them. Spiritually taking it from them is not Spiritual. Your Will and the understanding of the laws are a powerful combination. Yes you are that Magician and reality Creator, yet with this power it is important to be responsible around how you wield it.

I don’t say this to invoke fear here at all but more to empower you as the Sovereign being that you are, who literally has the power to collapse timelines and bend physical reality to your Will. In Florence Scovel Shinn’s book, “The Game of Life And How To Play It”, she explains that the further on the spiritual journey you are, the quicker the Karma comes back like a boomerang. I personally have found this to be true! If ever I’m spelling or calling in when I’m out of integrity, that boomerang hits me almost immediately now!

With this boomerang analogy we can look at the Law of Balance here too. The balance of the inner masculine and feminine. Throwing the boomerang to have it come back to us in this law of Karma, the throwing involves action taking- the masculine principle. To have the boomerang of goodies we’re calling in come back to us, it involves a receiving- the Feminine principle.

Many of us are imbalanced in one or the other.

We may try to force things to happen in our manifestations, engaging in alot of doing behaviour, hustling our way up to success. And it can be done this way for sure but with a huge cost of exhaustion, poor physical and mental health, along with many other unnecessary losses along the way.

Swinging all-in to the feminine polarity, we may not be taking any action at all and be too deep in the feminine receptive energy just waiting for things to fall into our lap, concluding that this Manifestation business is a load of BS! When the truth is,

Manifestation is a dance between the Masculine and Feminine; a making love in union between these two energetic polarities that exist within us.

We have to know when to be a penetrative force in our reality creation (masculine) and when to allow ourselves to relax so we can actually open up to receive the pleasure of our actual manifestation (feminine).

This collaboration between these inner parts leads me to the Law of Correspondence which I’ll explain more in my next point.

4.You will have to do the inner work.

The Law of Correspondence teaches us that life is a direct reflection of our inner worlds, constantly showing us what inside looks like. It gives us exactly what is needed to direct our attention inwards for healing and integration. As we’ve already seen, we have to be able to ride the balance between taking action and receiving. Sometimes we have unhealed subconscious wounds connected with what may be involved with either or both.

For example, if you’re deeply desiring a new love but due to past experiences you have the wound of rejection living within you, you may subconsciously be avoiding putting yourself out there and being vulnerable for fear of being rejected. When actually, vulnerability is that sweet ingredient for that intimately, honest and loving relationship you’ve been calling in.

The healing here may be in de-armouring your heart, taking yourself to your edge by sharing your heart and actually risking being rejected a few times. The antidote here is knowing that you can never really be rejected when YOU choose YOU. There is nothing more like choosing you than taking aligned action, even when it feels stretchy.

Photo by Adrian Fernández on Unsplash

This can be applied for something less complex than a love, like calling in a new job or client.

It might require that you address the identity you’ve been wearing and strip yourself naked of this identity.

An example here, a client I was working with, she had a long history of being a teacher in a school. Yet that part of her life had been completed for some time now and she was pursuing a career as a TV Creative. Alot of the work we did around her subconscious willingness to receive opportunities was shedding the over-identification of Teacher and addressing some of the fears connected with the embodiment of this seemingly new TV Creative identity. Different arenas carry different energetic imprints and if the identity does not connect with the arena, it creates a repelling energy. The teacher did not carry the secret code to get into this celebrity party, but the TV Creative did.

This new paradigm required her to see herself in her creative success able to hold her own and celebrate her artistry with these TV celebrities without becoming intimidated, overwhelmed and seeing herself as being equally worthy. After multiple sessions with us working around this and it wasn’t just some mindset and psychotherapy work but somatic work too- she was most recently asked by one of the most successful self made millionaires in the UK to look at her work.

This is part of the clearing out and making way for what you’re calling in and also the embodiment of knowing you already are that frequency of whatever it is you’re asking for.

The outcome itself doesn’t become as important but the feeling of BEING is what turns you on.

In the previous example of BEING that lover who’s so turned on by their openness and vulnerability, enjoying the sharing of themselves so authentically, it no longer matters if the other is switched on or off or right now!

And the Teacher, she was willing to shed her identity as Teacher and get excited about BEING this new aspect of herself she’s introduced to. BEING so excited by her art, so turned on by her message that whether the audience was a millionaire or had a penny to his name became beside the point. She was inlove with her heART being witnessed in that moment.

So…these are the unsexy parts of manifestation but are they really?!

Is it so wrong that the manifestation journey wants to make love to you and get to know the depths of your healing and transformation journey rather than a quick fast food f*ck?

I don’t think so.

Remember its’ less about the out-come and more about who you be-come when you’re on your manifestation journey.

Let this be a loving experience for yourself as you become intimately acquainted with YOUR own desires, not what’s trending, and enjoy the journey of wielding your Co-creative Magician energy.

Hi, I’m Toni-Anne. A certified Psychologist bridging the gap between Psychology & Spirituality. If you liked this topic, you can listen to my podcast Soul Journeying Whispers HERE and join our online community of intentional Women, Psyche-Essence.